Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Chuck Close #2

The students have been working hard on their Chuck Close inspired pictures and they are looking great.  In class we not only watched the short video on Chuck Close, but we discussed color, value, tints and shades.  Each student choose 2 colors that they wanted to use for their picture and then created a variety of tints and shades to use as a 'reference key' for their picture. 

Unlike Chuck Close, the students were only going to use these 2 colors to create the values for their picture. I also decided that it would be alright for the students to create a grid on both the source picture and their paper.  I believe that the grid help the students to draw their picture more accurately and therefore have a more successful  project.  This also will help raise young artists' self-esteem when it comes to drawing and artistic ability.

(light & dark values drawn with grid)

(light & dark values added according to Value Key)

Other Student Work:
(inspired by Chuck Close)

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